王勤 著
中国经济出版社 2007年版
Study of International Competitiveness of ASEAN
From the 1980s, the study on a country’s international competitiveness gained great momentum. At the end of the 1980s, international competitiveness reports were published by international authoritative organizations. Initially, the ASEAN-4 countries, including Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand, were brought into this world appraisal system. And then in 1992, the Philippines was assessed by this system, followed by Vietnam and Cambodia at the end of the 1990s. Since 1990, the international competitiveness of ASEAN has attracted increasing attention from governments, academic and business circles all over the world and has become one of the spotlights of research on this region.
In the era of globalization, a country’s international competitiveness is a precondition and core content for its involving economic globalization. This book applies contemporary theories and appraisal systems of international competitiveness, analyzes with a historical perspective and makes a comprehensive study on ASEAN. Its analysis places emphasis on national competitiveness, industrial competitiveness and firm competitiveness. It also attempts to explore the basic traits and development trends of international competitiveness of ASEAN. The book consists of following seven chapters.
Chapter One is the introduction. It contains the major theme of the research, domestic and foreign literatures, related theories and analysis framework.
Chapter Two describes theories and appraisal systems of international competitiveness. After discussing about the concepts, features and classification, this chapter narrates the forming and development of theories concerning international competitiveness, including Marxist ideology, western economics and various schools of contemporary international competitiveness theories. A systematic evaluation on their contributions is made afterwards. It further analyzes contemporary appraisal systems of international competitiveness, including the influential IMD international competitiveness appraisal system, WEF global competitiveness appraisal system and UNIDO industrial competitiveness appraisal system.
Chapter Three explores national competitiveness of ASEAN at macro level. Applying contemporary theories and appraisal systems of international competitiveness, this part analyzes the forming and evolution of these countries’ national competitiveness and related factors such as domestic economic strength, government administration, infrastructure, technology development and so on. Moreover, this part also employs an empirical approach to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of national competitiveness of ASEAN.
Chapter Four elaborates industrial competitiveness of ASEAN at medium level. Firstly, by comparing these countries’ industrial structures, this part reveals the reasons for the evolution of industrial structure and confirms the relations between industrial structure and industrial competitiveness. In addition, based on former analysis, it applies an empirical approach to estimate industrial competitiveness of ASEAN with some index such as CIP, TC, RCA and so on. Finally, this part investigates the factors affecting industrial competitiveness from the view of comparative advantage, industrial policies and multinational corporations.
Chapter Five discusses the firm competitiveness of ASEAN at micro level. Using appraisal systems of contemporary firm competitiveness, this part analyzes the capital scale, management modes, corporate governance and innovation capacity of firms in ASEAN, examines the differences among state-owned firms, private firms, small- and medium-sized firms and domestic banks, and describes the evolution of competitiveness of different types of firms in ASEAN. And from the comparison between firms of ASEAN and world’s top 500 enterprises, top 100 non-financial institutions in developing countries and world’s top 1000 banks, it also reveals the remarkable gap between firms in ASEAN and foreign firms.
Chapter Six explores the international competitiveness from regional angle. Based on regional economic integration trend all over the world, this part looks at the development process and features of regional integration in ASEAN, and investigates the dynamic and static effects of various free trade agreements among ASEAN countries and with countries outside the region. The research focuses on the impacts of integration in ASEAN on regional competitiveness.
Chapter Seven is the conclusion. It evaluates national, industrial, firm and regional competitiveness, and reviews the development status and trends of international competitiveness of ASEAN in the process of globalization.