包乐史(Leonard Blusse)
包乐史,原名为赖纳德·布塞斯。一九四六年出生于荷兰阿姆斯特丹。早年曾到台湾和日本进修。一九七二年获荷兰莱登大学汉学博士学位。一九八六年获历史学博士学位,论文为《Strange company : Chinese settlers, Mesitzo women and Dutch in VOC Batavia》。一九七二年至一九七五年在日本京都大学人文科学学院担任研究员。一九七五年至一九七七年任莱登大学印度尼西亚研究计划主任。从一九七七年起在莱登大学历史系任教,现为该系教授。主讲《欧洲与亚洲关系史》,同时也兼任莱登大学欧洲扩张史研究中心主任和荷兰国际亚洲研究中心主任等职。一九九一年至一九九二年获美国富布莱奖学金前往普林斯顿大学担任访问教授。包教授通晓英文、中文、日文、印尼文、荷兰文和多种欧洲语文。主要研究兴趣有“东南亚和东亚史”、“海外华侨史”、“印尼华人史”、“华侨贸易”和“殖民地时代贸易与文化”等课题。他曾利用荷兰东印度公司档案资料撰写了多本专著和多篇论文。主要是研究十七、十八世纪东南亚华侨史、东南亚华侨贸易和当时华侨的社会问题。
包教授一生从事亚洲史的教学与研究工作,对海外华侨史,尤其是印度尼西亚华侨史有深入的研究。著作宏丰。主要有《Strange company》,《Tribuut aan China》和《Bitters bruid》等二十多种及有关论文数十篇。他的主要著作已有多国译本。其名著《Britters bruid》(英文译本《Bitter bonds》)曾获荷兰“金质猫头鹰文学奖”(Golden Owl Award)。此书也曾荣登荷兰和德国书籍畅销排行榜。在他的著作或论文中有关华侨史的有《奇怪的伙伴》,《中荷交往史》,《十七世纪初西方对西爪哇华人社会的印象》,《北大年的华商》,《荷兰东印度公司时期中国对巴达维亚的贸易》,《巴城公馆档案研究》,《巴达维亚华人与中荷贸易》及《东南民族研究》等多种。他曾担任Itinerario : European Journal of Overseas History主编和Modern Asian Studies编辑多年。他是荷兰著名的汉学家,也是研究华侨史的专家。
1.巴达维亚华人与中荷贸易, 桂林:广西人民出版社,1997
2.“荷使初访中国记”研究 / 约翰尼霍夫原著 ; 包乐史,庄国土著,厦门:厦门大学出版社,1989
3.日荷交流400年之历史与展望 / 编集人Leonard Blusse, Willen Remmelink, Ivo Smits[日文语版编集, 校阅金中圆 ;translators Martha Chaiklin Ni chi-Ran Koryu 400 nen no rekishi to tenbo / hensh unin Leonard Blusse, Willem Remmelink, Ivo Smits, Tokyo : Nichi-Ran
Gakki, 2000
4.吧城公馆档案研究 :18世纪末吧达维亚唐人社会,厦门:厦门大学,2002
History and underdevelopment : essays on underdevelopment and european expansion in Asia and Africa = Histoire et sous-developpment / by Rudolfvon Albertini ... [etal]; edited by L. Blusse, H.C.Weseling and G.D.Winius,Leiden, The Netherlands : Leiden Centre for the History of European Expansion, 1980
Company and trade : essays on overseas trading companies during the Ancien Regime / by P.H. Boulle ... [etal], edited by Leonard Blusse and Femme Gaastra,Leiden : Leiden University Press, 1981
Nederlanders overzee : de eerste vijftig jaar, 1600-1650 / Leonard Blusse & Jaap de Moor,Franeker : T. Wever, 1983
Strange company : Chinese settlers, mesitzo women, and the Dutch in VOC Batavia / Leonard Blusse,Dordrecht, Netherlands : Foris Publications, 1986
De dagregisters van het Kasteel zeelandia, Taiwan, 1629-1662 / uitgegeven door J. L. Blusse, M.E. van Opstall en Tsao Yung-Ho met medewerking van Chiang Shu-Sheng en W. Milde,S-Gravenhage : M. Nijhoff, 1986, 1995
India and Indonesia from the 1920s to the 1950s : the origins of planning / essays by L. Blusse ... [etal],Leiden : E-J. Brill, 1987
Persekutuan aneh : pemukim Cina, wanita peranakan, dan Belanda di Bataria VOC / Leonard Blusse,Jakarta : Pustazet Perkasa, 1988
Tribunt aan China : vier eeuwen Nederlands - Chinese betrekkingen / Leongard Blusse,Amsterdan : O. Cramwinckel, 1989
Conflict and accomodation in early modern East Asia : essays in honour of Erik Zurcher / edited by Leonard Blusse and Harriet T. Zurndorfer ,Leiden : E. J. Brill, 1993
Pilgrims and the past : private conversations with historians of European expansion / edited byLeonard Blusse, Frans-Paul van der Putten, Hans Vogel,Leiden, The Netherlands : Research School CNWS, School of Asian, African and Amerindian Studies, 1996
Bitters bruid : een koloniaal hunelijks drama in de Gouden Eeuw / Leonard Blusse ,Amsterdam : Balans, 1997
On the eighteenth century as a category of Asian history : van Leur in retrospect / edited by Leonard Blusse and Femme Gaastra,Brookfied, Vt. : Ashgate, 1998
The Formosan encounter : notes on Formosa's aboriginal society : a selection of documents from Dutch archival sources / edited by Leonard Blusse, Natalie Everts & Evelien Frech,Taipei, Taiwan : Shung Ye Museum of Formosan Aborigines, 1999
Bridging the divide : 1600-2000, 400 years the Netherlands-Japan / editors, Leonard Blusse, Willem Remmelink, Ivo Smits,Leiden, The Netherlands : Hotei Pub, 2000
Retour Amoy : Anny Tan, cen verouwen leven in Indonesie, Netherland en China / Leonard Blusse,Amsterdan : Balans, 2000
Bitter bonds : a colonial divorce drama of the seventeenth century / Leonard Blusse, translated by Diane Webb,Priceton, NJ : Markus Wiener Publishers, 2002