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Address(地址) International University of Japan(日本国际大学)

Graduate School of International Relations(国际关系学院)

Kokusai-cho, Minami Uonuma-shi


Present position: Visiting Professor(访问教授)

(现任职位) International University of Japan

Graduate School of International Relations

September 2005 to December 2005



Citizenship:(国籍) Singapore(新加坡)


Details of Education: B.A. ( 1962 ), distinction, Politics and

(教育经历) Economics, Nanyang University.



Certificate of International Law and

International Relations ( 1964 ), University

of Singapore.



M.A. ( 1967 ), Political Science, Indiana

University, USA.



Ph.D. ( 1971 ), Political Science, Indiana

University, USA.



Details of Teaching Senior Teaching Fellow ( 1964 ), Department of

Experience: Political Science, University of Western

(教学经历) Ontario, Canada.



Teaching Fellow ( 1965- 1968 ), Department of

Political Science, Indiana University, USA.


Tutor (1969 ), Department of Political Science,

University of Singapore.


Assistant Professor ( 1971-1973 ), Department of

Government and Public Administration,

Nanyang University.



Lecturer ( [ conversion] 1973-1978 ) Department of

Government and Public Administration,

Nanyang University, Singapore.



Visiting Lecturer ( 1977-1978), Department of Politics

and Centre for Southeast Asian Studies, The University

of Hull, UK.




Senior Lecturer ( 1979 ), Department of Government

and Public Administration, Nanyang University,




Head ( 1978-1980 ), Department of Government and

Public Administration, Nanyang University, Singapore.



Senior Lecturer ( 1979 – l998 ) Department of Political

Science, National University of Singapore, Singapore.



Visiting Professor ( 1981 ), Department of Government

and International Studies, University of South Carolina,




Visiting Professor, International University of Japan,

Japan, Spring 1987.



Visiting Professor, Graduate School of International

and Area Studies, Seoul National University, Seoul,

Korea, Spring, 1998.



Visiting Professor, Graduate School of Asia-Pacific

Studies and Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, Waseda

University, Tokyo, Japan, Spring and Summer, 1999.




Visiting Professor, College of International Relations

Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan, September 2000 -

February 2001; September 2002 - January 2003;

September 2004 – December 2004.



Visiting Professor, Graduate School of International Relations

International University of Japan, Niigata-ken, Japan

January 2003 – June 2003; January 2004 – July 2004;

September 2005 – December 2005.



Visiting Chair Professor, Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages

Department of International Affairs


February 2005 – August 2005

(2005、4-2005、8,台湾Wenzao Ursuline语言学院




Research Experience : Research Fellow ( 1969-1970), Institute of Southeast

(研究经历) Asian Studies, Singapore.



Visiting Research Scholar ( August-November, 1971 ),

Harvard University, USA.



Visiting Research Scholar ( 1974, 1976, 1978 ),

Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand.



Visiting Research Scholar ( 1974 ), University Service

Centre, Hong Kong.



Visiting Research Scholar ( April-August, 1977 ), Griffith

University, Brisbane and The Australian National University,




Visiting Research Scholar ( June-July, 1978 ), The University

of London, U.K.



Visiting Research Fellow, Institute of East Asian Studies,

University of California, Berkeley ( 1981 ).



Visiting Research Associate, Department of Political Science

( 1987 ), University of British Columbia, Canada.



Visiting Research Associate ( 1995 ), Institute of East Asian

Political Economy, Singapore.



Senior Research Fellow, East Asian Institute,

National University of Singapore, Singapore,

(June 1998 – 31 March 1999).



Asia Research Center, Murdoch University,

(September-December 1999).



Visiting Senior Research Fellow, East Asian Institute

National University of Singapore

(January 2000-June 2000)

(January 2002-September 2002).



Visiting Research Fellow, Research Institute

International University of Japan, Niigata-ken, Japan

July 2003-December 2003.



Fields of Specialization: 1. International Relations (Political Economy) in East Asia

(研究领域)     (东亚国际关系政治经济)

2. International Relations (Political Economy) in Southeast Asia


3. Politics of East Asia and Southeast Asia



Courses taught: 1. Asia-Pacific International Political Economy

(讲授课程)      (亚太国际政治经济)

2. International Political Economy


3. Political Economy of China and Southeast Asia


4. Chinese Foreign Policy


5. Chinese Politics


6. Regional Security Issues in the Asia-Pacific


7. Comparative Foreign Policies of Japan, China and Korea


8. Contemporary Regional Issues in the Asia-Pacific


9. Comparative Political Economy of Southeast Asia


10. Politics of Southeast Asia


11. International Relations in Southeast Asia


12. Foreign Policies of the Southeast Asian States


13. ASEAN and Regionalism in Southeast Asia


14. Asia-Pacific Economies and Trade



Current Research Interests: 1. The Political Economy of China and Southeast Asia

(研究兴趣)      (中国与东南亚政治经济)

2. China – ASEAN Economic Integration


3. China’s Energy Diplomacy


4. East Asian Economic Community































1. Shee, P.K., The People’s Action Party of Singapore: 1954-1970, (Ann Arbor: Michigan,1971).  


2. Shee, P.K., ASEAN: Politics of Regional Cooperation. Institute of Humanities and Social

 Sciences, Nanyang University, Occasional Paper No. 21, Singapore, 1976.


3. Shee, P.K., ASEAN And The People’s Republic of China. Institute of Humanities and Social

  Sciences, Nanyang University, Occasional Paper No. 53, Singapore, 1976.


4. Shee, P.K., A Critique of The Roles of Social Sciences in Nation Building. Institute of

  Humanities and Social Sciences, Nanyang University, Singapore, 1976.


5. Shee, P.K., The Roots of Sinophobia in The ASEAN Countries: A Comparative Perspective.

  Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences, Nanyang University, Occasional Paper, No. 74,

  Singapore, 1977.


6. Shee, P.K., Thailand’s Relations With The People’s Republic of China. Nanyang University,

  Singapore, 1979.


7. Shee, P.K., The ASEAN States’s Relations With The Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

  Department of Political Science, University of Singapore, Occasional Paper No. 39,

  Singapore, 1980.


8. Shee, P.K., ASEAN’s Response to the Kampuchean Crisis. Center for Asian Studies. The

  American University of Washington, Occasional Paper, Vol. IV, Washington, D.C., 1982.


9. Shee, P.K., “China and The ASEAN States: From Hostility to Rapprochement”, in China’s

  Foreign Relations: New Perspectives, Chun Tu Hsueh, ed. New York: Praeger Publishers,



10.Shee, P.K., “Political Leadership And Succession”, in Singapore: Development Policies and

  Trends, S.J. Chen, ed., Singapore: Oxford University Press, 1983.


11.Shee, P.K., “The Evolution of Singapore’s Political System”, in Government and Politics of

  Singapore, Jon Quah, ed. Singapore: Oxford University Press, l985.


12.Yeo, K.W., and P.K., Shee, “Singapore Political Parties, 1945-79,”in Political Parties of

Asia and The Pacific, Haruhiro Fukui, ed., Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1986.


13. Shee, P.K., “Confucianism in Singapore: Issues and Identity”, in Confucianism and

Modernisation, P.L. Jiang, ed., Mucha, Taiwan: Freedom Council, 1986.


14. Shee, P.K., “Singapore’s Leadership and Succession Issues”, in China and Southeast Asia,

Taiwan: Institute of International Relations, 1987.


15. Shee, P.K., “Singapore’s Political Leadership”, (Chinese), in The Development Experiences

of Chinese and China’s Future, Taipei, Taiwan: Freedom Council, 1988.


16. Shee, P.K., “Malaysia’s Diplomatic Recognition Policies Towards The People’s Republic of

China: 1957-1974”, in Bulletin of the Sohei Nakayama IUJ Asian Development Research

Programme, Japan: International University of Japan, 1989.


17.Shee, P.K., “Vietnam in China’s Indochina Policies, 1949-1989: An Assessment”, in Bulletin

of the Sohei Nakayama IUJ Asian Development Research Programme, Japan: International

University of Japan, 1990.


18. Shee, P.K., “The Changing Patterns in China’s Foreign Policies Towards Thailand Since

1949”, in Bulletin of the Sohei Nakayama IUJ Asian Development Research Programme,

Japan: International University of Japan, 1990.


19. Shee, P.K., “Singapore’s Foreign Policies Towards China: 1965-1989”, in ASEAN and

China”, Theresa Carino, ed., Philippines: La Salle University, 1991.


20. Shee, P.K., “The March 1988 Skirmish Over The Spratly Islands and Its Implications for the

Sino-Vietnamese Relations”, in Fishing in Troubled Water, R.D., Hill, ed., Hong Kong:

University of Hong Kong, 1991.


21. Shee, P.K., “The New Phase in Sino-Vietnamese Relations Since 1989”, in RIAD Bulletin,

Japan: International University of Japan, 1992.


22. Shee, P.K., “China’s Changing Policies Towards Cambodia”, in RIAD Bulletin, Japan:

International University of Japan, 1993.


23. Shee, P.K., “Singapore’s Domestic Politics”, in Singapore: The Year In Review:1992,

Arun Mahizhnan, ed., Singapore The Institute of Policy Studies, 1993.


24. Shee, P.K., “China’s Foreign Policies Towards Southeast Asia: Past, Present and Future”,

Hong Kong: Center for Asian Studies, Chu Hai College, 1994.


25. Shee, P.K., “Chinese Political Identity in Singapore Since 1945”, in Chinese Political Identity

in Singapore and Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur: Huazi Resource Center, 1995.


26. Shee, P.K., “Sovereignty Disputes Over The Spratly Islands”, in RIAD Bulletin, Japan:

International University of Japan, 1995.


27. Shee, P.K., Security Cooperation in Southeast Asia: Singapore’s Perspective. In Southeast

Asia and Korea Chung-si Ahn, ed., Seoul: The Korean Association of Southeast Asian

Studies, l996.


28. Shee Poon Kim, “Is China A Threat to the Asia-Pacific Region?” in Wang Gungwu and John

Wong, eds., Political Economy of China (Singapore University Press, 1998).


29. Shee, Poon Kim. ‘Building an East Asian Community: an ASEAN Perspective’, in K.

Nishiguchi ed., Building an East Asian Community, Institute of International Relations and

Area Studies, Ritsumeikan University, forthcoming, 2005.



1. Shee P.K., The Malay Dilemma: A Review. Island Society Quarterly (August 1970): 20. (Singapore).


2. Shee, P.K., The United States’ Occupation Policy and Its Impact Upon Japan. Journal of the Historical Society (September 1970): 21. (Singapore).


3. Shee, P.K., Southeast Asia in the 1970’s. International Times, 3 No. 3-4 (1970).


4. Shee, P.K., The Cadre and The Ordinary Membership of the People’s Action Party in Singapore: 1954-1970. Nanyang University Journal, (1971): 155-169. (Singapore).


5. Shee, P.K., The Environmental Ideology of The People’s Action Party. Journal of the Society

of Government and Public Administration, ( l973 ):23. (Singapore).


6. Shee, P.K., The Environmental Ideology of The People’s Action Party. Journal of the Society of Government and Public Administration, (1973): 23. (Singapore).


7. Shee, P.K., A Decade of ASEAN: 1967-1977. Asian Survey, (August 1977): 753-770. (United States).


8. Shee, P.K., ASEAN: Measuring Up to a Multi-Polar World. New Directions, No.1, (March 1977): 6 (Singapore).


9. Shee, P.K., ASEAN And The People’s Republic of China. Trends Journal, No.13, (March 1977): 30-46. (Singapore).


10. Shee, P.K., Singapore in 1977: Stability and Growth. Asian Survey, XVIII, No. 2, (February 1978): (United States).


11. Shee, P.K., Singapore in 1978: Preparation for the 1980’s. Asian Survey, XIX, No.2, (February 1979): 124-130. (United States).


12. Shee, P.K., The Politics of Thailand’s Trade Relations With The People’s Republic of China, Asian Survey, (March 1981): 310-324. (United States).


13. Shee, P.K., Insurgency in Southeast Asia. Problems of Communism, XXXII (May/June 1983): 45-55. (United States).


14. Shee, P.K., China’s Policies Towards Malaysia: 1967-1984. Issues & Studies, (August 1987): (Taiwan).


15. Shee, P.K., Singapore’s Political Leadership (Chinese), The Tide Monthly, (May1988 ) (Hong Kong ).


16. Shee, P.K., Singapore in 1990: Continuity and Stability. Asian Survey, XXII, No.2, (February 1991): 172-178. (United States).


17. Shee, P.K., Singapore in 1991: Endorsement of The New Administration, Asian Survey, XXXII, No.2, (February 1992): 119-125. (United States).


18. Shee, P.K., Political Modernization in Southeast Asia, Korean Journal of International Studies, Vol. XXV, No.3, (Autumn 1994): 259-277. (Korea).


19. Shee, P.K., China’s Changing Policies Towards The South China Sea. American Asian Review, (Winter 1994): 61-81. (United States).


20. Shee, P.K., Singapore and ASEAN: 1967-1997. Asian Journal of Political Science, Vol.5 No.1, (June 1997): 68-86. (Singapore).


21. Shee, P.K., The South China Sea in China’s Strategic Thinking, Contemporary Southeast Asia,

(Vol. 19, No.4, (March 1998), Singapore.


22. Shee Poon Kim & Zou Keyuan, ‘The Scarborough Reef: Political, Strategic, and Security

Implications for Sino-Philippine Relations’, East Asian Institute Background Brief No. 22, 29 September 1998.


23. Shee, P.K., ‘Cross-Strait Impasse: One Country Two Systems or One Country Three

Systems?’ East Asian Institute, Working Paper No. 25, 10 May 1999, National University of Singapore.


24. Shee Poon Kim, ‘The May 1998 anti-Chinese Riots in Indonesia and China’s Responses’,

East Asian Institute, Working Paper No. 37, 24 March 2000, National University of



25. Shee Poon Kim, 'The Scarborough Reef in Sino-Philippine Relations and Regional

Security', Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies, No.2, 2000, Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies,

Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan.


26. Shee Poon Kim, ‘Southeast Asia’s View of China, Opportunities, Challenges and Strategies

in Response’, EAI Bulletin, Vol. 4 No.1, March 2002.


27. Shee, Poon Kim.’The Political Economy of China-Myanmar Relations: Strategic and

Economic Dimensions’, Ritsumeikan Annual Review of International Studies, Vol. 1, 2002


28. Shee, Poon Kim. ‘East Asian New Regionalism: Toward Economic Integration?’ Ritsumeikan

International Affairs, Vol. 1, 2003.


29. Shee, Poon Kim. The May 1998 anti-Chinese Riots in Indonesia: Political and Economic

Malaise, Languages, Literary Studies, and International Studies: An International Journal, July 2004.


30. Shee, Poon Kim. ‘The Political Economy of Mahathir’s China Policy: Economic Cooperation,

Political and Strategic Ambivalence, Ritsumeikan Annual Review of International Studies,

Vol. 3 2004.


31. Shee, Poon Kim. ‘China-Myanmar Relations’, in Journal of Southeast Asian Studies (Xiamen

University, 2005, in Chinese).


32. Shee, Poon Kim. ‘Singapore-China Symbiotic Economic Relations: In Search of Business

Opportunities,’ Ritsumeikan International Affairs, Vol. 3, 2005.


33. Shee Poon Kim. ‘Risk of Armed Conflicts over the Taiwan Strait’, Center for Risk Research,

Shiga University, Japan, Working Paper, forthcoming 2005.

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