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  [组图]Malaysia and Sino-Malaysian Relations in a Changing World       ★★★ 【字体:
Malaysia and Sino-Malaysian Relations in a Changing World
作者: 佚名      文章来源:<a href='/ShowCopyFrom.asp?Cha     点击数:    更新时间:2009-11-17    

Malaysia and Sino……(不断变化的世界大环境中的马来西亚…)(厦门大学东南亚研究中心系列丛书)




This volume is a compilation of papers presented at the interna-tional conference on Malaysia and Sino-Malaysian Relations held onApril 6 and 7, 2005. The conference was held to celebrate the estab-lishment of Institute of Malaysian Studies at -Xiamen University,China, and to provide a better understanding of Malaysia and ex-plore the impacts and implications of China's rapid development forMalaysia and Southeast Asia as a whole. The conference brought to-gether more than thirty reputable exiaerts and scholars from Main-land China, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Australia, Ja-pan, the Netherlands,U. K. ,U. S. ,China's Hong Kong and China'sTaiwan.
The book consists of 14 papers, which touch upon a vast arrayof topics pertinent to Malaysia and Sino~Malaysian relations. Theycan be divided into two parts. The first half consists of 7 papersdealing with issues on economy, politics ,history and culture of Ma-laysia. The second half presents 7 papers discussing issues on Sino-Malaysian relations and regional cooperation. The wide disciplinarybackgrounds of the contributors to this book have enabled broadereconomic, historical, politicaland international relations aspects ofMalaysia and Sino-Malaysian relations to be discussed. The viewsexpressed in the papers of this volume do not necessarily reflect those of the editor or the institution.




Malaysian Economic Development in Comparative Southeast Asian Perspective
The Political Economy of Malaysia's Financial Development
Piracy and Maritime Terrorism in the Straits.of Melaka
Onto the Coasts and Into the Forest:Ramifications of the China Trade on the Ecological History of Malaysian Borneo, 900—— 1900 CE
From a Plurality of Cultures towards Plural Societies:Changes of Regime and Colonial State mation
in the Malay Archipelago, 1780——1830
Mahua Writers. Localization, Nationality and Cultural Identity.
Chinese Secondary Education in the Federation of Malaya
Malaysia and Sino-Malaysian Relations in a Changing World
Sino-Malaysian Economic Relations. Retrospect and Prospects
The Economic Rise of China and Its Implications on Industrial Development in Malaysia
Malaysia's Changing Policies Toward China.. From Non-recognition to Rapprochement
Security Aspect of China-Malaysia Relations in the 21st Century.A Filipino Perspective
China-Malaysian Relationship . Malaysia's Security Perceptions of China's Rise
The Impact of the Rise of China and Regional Economic Integration. A Malaysian Perspective
Regional Economic Cooperation in Post-Crisis East Asia and New Strategies of ASEAN




While agreeing to these reform goalsthis paper suggests somemore detailed and comprehensive institutional reforms for developingcountriesFirstthe central hanksthe securities exchangecommissionsand other supervision agencies should be madepolitically independent from the Ministry of Finance and have morelegal status of supervision power
state—business relationships should be reorganizedAhealthiermore balanced relationship between governmentbanksand large private-sector actors should be establishedThis requires asystem in which the private sector enjoys strong guarantees ofproperty rightsbusiness freedomand is capable of airing its viewsand influencing the political and policy processBut the system mustalso be one in which the exercise of private economic power iSchecked by countervailing interestswhere there is greattransparency both in government business relationships and incorporate governanceand the risks and negative impacts associatedwith interest exchanges between politicians and business are SU bjectto regulations and 1egal punishmentThis outcome can be achieved inpart by the strategic use of the market forcesbut it also largelyinvolvas a variety of institutional innovation and ultimately politicalcapacities











9787561532348 , 7561532342
文章录入:egret    责任编辑:egret 
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