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  北美地区东南亚研究与文献收藏机构暨国际组织       ★★★ 【字体:
作者: 蒋武,张…      文章来源:本站原创     点击数:    更新时间:2007-07-09    


Contemporary East and Southeast Asian Studies, University of Toronto多伦多大学当代东亚和东南亚研究

The Collaborative Master's Specialization in Contemporary East and Southeast Asian Studies (CESEAS) is designed to provide graduates with advanced training in a particular discipline and in the historical and social science studies of modern East and Southeast Asia. The major topics of emphasis are political economy, modern and contemporary social history, international relations, gender, political and social change, economic development, and cultural studies. The collaborative specialization contributes to the development of an integrated and interdisciplinary research community in Contemporary East and Southeast Asian Studies at the University.

McGill University, Southeast Asia Studies


Center for Southeast Asia Studies, university of California Berkeley 加州大学伯克利分校东南亚研究中心

The Center for Southeast Asia Studies (CSEAS) was founded in 1960 for the development of research and teaching on the countries of Southeast Asia - now covering Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Timor Leste, and Vietnam - and the region as a whole.

Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS), University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa 夏威夷大学马诺阿分校东南亚研究中心

Founded in 1978, the Center for Southeast Asian Studies is one of the country’s largest centers devoted to the Southeast Asia region: more than 40 faculty across 21 university departments pursue active research in/on Southeast Asia.

Center for Philippine Studies,University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa夏威夷大学马诺阿分校菲律宾研究中心

CPS was originally established as a Program in 1975 by an Act of the Hawai’i State Legislature to recognize the contributions of Filipinos to the history of Hawai’i and to highlight the academic expertise on the Philippines at the University of Hawai’i. Administratively, the Center is housed at the School of Pacific and Asian Studies (SPAS) of the College of Languages, Arts and Letters (CALL). It is the only such center in North America and an internationally recognized source of broad and specialized expertise on a country and people with a long historical link with the US and the Asia-Pacific region.

Center for Southeast Asia Studies, University of Michigan密歇根大学东南亚研究中心

Founded In 1961, the Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS) at the International Institute is one of the oldest centers in the U.S. devoted to the Southeast Asian region. CSEAS seeks to promote a broader and deeper understanding of Southeast Asia, its people, histories, practices, and languages. The center is committed to creating a supportive environment where scholars, educators, students and community members have the opportunity to engage in dialogue related to Southeast Asia.

Center for Southeast Asia Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison 威斯康辛大学东南亚研究中心

The Center for Southeast Asian Studies was formally established in 1973 as an interdisciplinary program of the College of Letters and Sciences. Formal scholarly interest in Southeast Asia, however, developed in the early 1950s when Wisconsin pioneered cooperation in economics with the University of Indonesia and Gadjah Mada University. Subsequently, the program expanded considerably as scholars with research and teaching experience in the region joined the faculty. In the early 1960s, the University established a combined East and Southeast Asia Program, from which the Center for Southeast Asian Studies emerged as a separate program in 1973.

Since 1981, the Center has been recognized as a National Resource Center by the U.S. Department of Education and has received Title VI funding for program development and Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) fellowships. In addition to federal support, the Center’s program has benefited greatly from substantial grants from the Henry Luce Foundation (1988-93) and from a million dollar challenge grant from the Mellon Foundation. In 1996, the Center participated in the establishment of the International Institute and currently collaborates with other area programs in global and comparative research and activities. At present, the Center operates a vigorous and well-developed program committed to the study of Southeast Asia that is recognized as one of the best worldwide.

Council on Southeast Asia Studies, Yale University 耶鲁大学东南亚研究会

Southeast Asia Studies, established at Yale in the 1940s, was the University's first area studies program of any kind.

Southeast Asia Program,Cornell University 康乃尔大学东南亚研究计划

The Southeast Asia Program (SEAP) was founded in 1950 to promote the acquisition and dissemination of knowledge about countries, cultures, and languages of the region. Since 1958, the U.S. Department of Education has continuously recognized SEAP as a Title VI National Resource Center. It is one of the world’s greatest concentrations of expertise on Southeast Asia.

Southeast Asia Program, Stanford University斯坦福大学东南亚项目

The Southeast Asia Program is part of the Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center,A catalyst for policy-relevant research on contemporary Southeast Asia。

Southeast Asian & ASEAN Studies, Indiana University Bloomington


The Southeast Asian and ASEAN Studies (SEAS) Program is rooted in IU's rich tradition of international outreach and educational exchange in the region. Our growing program is developing a variety of academic opportunities that capture the vitality and diversity of Southeast Asia, focused on a wide range of disciplines. SEAS is dedicated to fostering a greater and more comprehensive understanding of Southeast Asia, their people, languages, and cultures.

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