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  德国毕勒费尔得大学发展社会学研究中心       ★★★ 【字体:
作者: 蒋武      文章来源:本站原创     点击数:    更新时间:2007-07-09    


(Sociology of Development Research Centre, University of Bielefeld, Germany)


毕勒费尔得大学的发展社会学研究中心(SDRC)创立於1974年,附属於社会学院之下,是该学院七十年代学术发展重点之一,以期增进德国对当代亚、非、拉丁美洲社会、政治与经济的了解。首任中心主任是在东南亚研究领域颇富盛名的Dr. Hans-Dieter Evers(也是现任的主任), 当时Dr. Evers是新加坡国立大学社会学系系主任,应社会系之聘回到德国後即积极充实中心的软、硬体设备。该研究中心主要以研究、教学(post-graduate training)为主,培养德国与其他国家的亚、非、拉丁美洲研究人才。自1974以来,东南亚研究在Prof. Evers的积极推动下,已累积丰富的研究成果,超过六十本的博士论文,285篇研究论文,是德国当代东南亚研究的重镇。非洲研究则自1987年以来,在Prof. Guenther Schlee与Prof. Gudrun Lachenmann努力下,也逐渐成为德国非洲研究的主力。唯拉丁美洲研究因为人事的更迭,趋於停滞的状态,颇为可惜。本文主要介绍SDRC的东南亚研究历程与进况。


Chairman: Prof. Dr. Hans-Dieter Evers

Board of Directors: Prof. Dr. Hans-Dieter Evers

Prof. Dr. Gudrun Lachenmann

Prof. Dr. Guenther Schlee

Secretaries: Anette Schmidt

Angelika Brandes

Katherin Meierjohann


Prof. Dr. Hans-Dieter Evers, Professor of Development Studies

PD Dr. Ruediger Korff, Reader in Urban Sociology

PD Dr. Heiko Schrader, Reader in Social Anthropology

PD Dr. Georg Stauth, Reader in Sociology and Senior Research Fellow

Dipl. plo. Alexander Horstmann, Lecturer in Southeast Asian Sociology

M.A. PetraDannecker, Lecturer in Woman and Development

Dipl. Soz. Erland Meyer-Tran, Research Fellow

Dr. Niels Mulder, Associate Research Fellow

Dr. Michael Nelson, Visiting Lecturer, Chulalongkorn University


历年来博士生与研究员共同参与的讨论会(Bielefeld Symposia on Southeast Asia)

April 1977: Underdevelopment and Subsistence Reproduction in Southeast Asia

June 1981: Historical Perspectives on Development辴ubsistence Production in

Indonesia and Malaysia

February 1982: The Interpretative Study of Java

January 1983: Urbanization in Southeast Asia

June 1984: Trade and State in Southeast Asia

June 1985: Social Transformation in Thai Society

July 1986: Sozio-oekonomische Aspekte der Transformation

(Social Economic Aspects of Transformation)

January 1988: Peasants and Cities

May 1989: Lowland Christian Filipino Civilization

November 1990: Southeast Asian Urbanism

May 1997: Lifestyle Research in Southeast Asia

基本上,SDRC东南亚计划的持续研究重点在於Subsistence Production, Urban Studies, Strategic Group Analysis, Trade and Markets and Social Cultural Dimensions of Development。 以前,在SDRC从事东南亚研究的博士生,必须通晓一项东南亚国家的语言以及一年的密集性田野研究;现在则略放宽语言的限制,但密集的田野研究还是必须的。


Urban Localities and Globalization in Southeast Asia

Project Director: PD Dr. Ruediger Korff

Funding: DFG (German Research Council)

Islam and Modernity in Malaysia and Indonesia

Project Director: Prof. Dr. Hans-Dieter Evers

Research Director: PD Dr. Georg Stauth

Funding: DFG (German Research Council)

Financial Markets in Southeast Asia

Project Director: PD Dr. Heiko Schrader

Funding: DFG (German Research Council)

Social and Cultural Dimensions of Market Expansion

Project Director: Prof. Hans-Dieter Evers

‘Ekonomi dan Masyarakat’(与马来西亚大学的合作计划)

Prof. Hans-Dieter Evers and Rahman Haji Embong, Univeristi Kebangsaan Malaysia

‘Market Expansion and the Globalization of Knowledge:

Development Experts in Southeast Asia’

Prof. Hans-Dieter Evers, research assistance: Daniel Dammann

‘Synbolic Consumption and the Indonesian Middle-Class’

Dr. Solvay Gerke

Dissertation Project ‘Consuming Thainess: Middle-Class Life-Styles in Southeast Thailand’

Alexander Horstmann

Dissertation Project ‘Social Dimensions of Market Transition in a Wet Rice-Growing

Rural Commune in Northern Vietnam's Red River Delta’, Erland Meyer-Tran


Volkswagen Foundation, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG: German Research Council), Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung 等。


Indonesia: Gadjah University, Andalas University and Sam Ratulangi University

Malaysia: Universiti Sains, Universiti Kebangsaan

Thailand: Chulalongkorn University



I. 研究论文(Working Papers):自1981年迄今,共累积285篇论文,其中东南亚研究约 有130篇(请参考附录)。

II. 硕、博士论文集(Bielefeld Studies on the Sociology of Development):自1978迄今,共出版64本论文(请参考附录)。

III.档案集(Documentation Series):共有35本(请参考附录)。

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