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  全球视野下的亚洲多边主义与合作       ★★★ 【字体:
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Prof. Swaran Singh,印度尼赫鲁大学国际关系学院教授,亚洲学者联合会南亚分会主席,印度亚太研究会秘书长。

Catherine Marquez,厦门大学国际关系学院硕士生。

编者按:冷战结束后的短短十来年见证了亚洲经济的迅猛发展,尤其是中国与印度,作为地区乃至世界大国,正在崛起的中印两国成为改变亚太政治经济格局的重要力量,从而吸引了世界的目光。2008年12月,印度尼赫鲁大学国际关系学院教授斯瓦兰·辛格博士(Prof. Swaran Singh)在厦门大学国际关系学院访问期间,接受了该院国际硕士Catherine Marquez女士的采访,现征得Prof. Swaran Singh与Catherine Marquez女士的同意,让我们一起来分享斯瓦兰·辛格博士关于亚洲多边主义及其对亚太国际关系、尤其是中印关系影响的分析与洞察。


Prof. Singh:目前亚洲地区有不少的多边性地区组织,他们都具有两方面的局限性。其一,因为每个组织都有自己的亚洲观,所以这些组织虽都以亚洲命名,但往往只关注东亚或者东南亚,中亚与西亚常常没有被纳入这些组织。其二,目前亚洲还没有一个真正发挥作用的泛-亚多边组织。现在的“亚洲合作论坛”只是一个建立在定期会谈基础上的对话伙伴关系,而且它还没有包涵所有的亚洲国家与地区。虽然由于某些原因ASEAN在多边主义的建构中被多数国家看好,并被推举为领袖,但由于ASEAN的首创性以及其他地区对亚洲方式的一致认同,因此ASEAN能够作为领袖发起并推广在多边关系问题上的努力。




Prof. Singh:中印两国是迅速发展的国家,无论是人口还是经济。因此,两国人民的购买力都得到极大的提高。两国都在争取获得世界的关注、争取资源,两国也积极参与地区与国际事务并努力参与决策。如在能源领域,日益增长的能源消费推动中印两国在能源上展开了激烈的竞争。这意味着中印两国在未来将面临合作、竞争与挑战,甚至有时相互损害,但也会推动相互的理解与信任。




Prof. Singh:我想是的。因为全世界都同意开发核能市场,并且核供应国集团(NSG)已经作出这个决定(中国是该集团成员):印度被接纳为候选国,并且核供应国集团一致取消了对印度的所有核限制。因此,中国也把印度当作合作伙伴,当然印度也愿意同中国合作。实际上,中国早已经向印度提供重水。因此,中印在核能合作方面有一定的历史。目前,中印两国都依靠从美法进口反应堆,中印应该思考联合研制自己的反应堆。印度科学家已经率先作出探索,并有能力达到目标。我相信中国也有能力并能在此方面与印度开展对话与合作。



Prof. Singh:如你所言,的确,目前中国正积极参与非洲与拉丁美洲的开发与建设。有意思的是美国却乐观地看待中国在拉丁美洲的所做所有。我的意思不是美国为此欢欣,而是美国人并没有对此感到不安。至少中美两国并没有明显的对抗。同样在非洲,中国也取得巨大的成功,但是同样存在局限,即中国似乎只重视参与资源开发。传统上,这些资源属于当地人,当地人声称他们对资源拥有主权。现在,一些崛起的大国,如印度与中国在拉丁美洲与非洲开发资源,这势必对中国、印度与非洲关系产生影响。特别在非洲,人们普遍认为中国在加大对非洲的贸易与投资,而中国政府却反复声明:“北京没有干涉这些非洲国家的内部事务,只是在和政府打交道。”这已经引起关注与争论。现在,在非洲的冲突地区,如苏丹,中国并没有参与冲突但却成为冲突的一方而引起广泛争论。因此,中国也许应该注意改变与非洲国家政府打交道的方式。



Prof. Singh: 我同意你的看法。从全球来看,中国现在是世界关注的焦点。但是成为焦点并不自动地带来美好、成功、快乐与安宁。中国古语说,树大招风。因此,中国成为世界关注的对象必将面临更多的挑战。美国并没有将印度视为挑战,这为印度带来优势,因为这些大国可能愿意帮助印度发展,以推动印度成为制约中国的力量。我并不是说印度打算这样做。印度国内已经达成共识:印度不会被任何大国所操纵。印度过去一直奉行独立的外交政策,将来也如此,因此印度知道如何与别国打交道。中印之间有对抗,但这些对抗目前还在控制之下,不会损害中印之间的关系,因此中国成为举世瞩目的焦点有好处也有坏处。




Prof. Singh:我不知道这是否是有利于印度崛起的一个好的因素。只有当人口素质提高时,众多人口才是优势与财富。否则众多人口只是负担,并带来许多问题。印度真的需要认真考虑她的人口问题,印度与其它发展中国家一样,面临人口贫穷、落后、教育水平低、失业等的挑战,希望这些能得到改善。


Perspectives on Sino – Indian relations

Multilateralism, cooperation and global perceptions.

Catherine Marquez

Master in International Relations of Asia-Pacific.

Xiamen University.

We are witnessing a fundamentalmomentumin history: the awakening of two super powers, which share much more than a common border: China and India.

Xiamen University and its Department of Asia-Pacific Studies was honoured by the visit of Prof. Swaran Singh, expert in China's foreign and security policy and Sino-Indian relations of the Jawaharlal Nehru University in India and President of the New Delhi-based Association of ASIA Scholars (AAS).

We talked with him about the prospects for multilateralism as means for cooperation in the region (from the military to energy issues and natural resources), influencing other regions and global perceptions towards their actions and Soft Power.

What is the current role of the multilateral organizations such as the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation - APEC or theAssociation of Southeast Asian Nations –ASEAN in Asia? Do you think they are effective reachingcommongoals and representing its members?

There are multiple multilateral forums across Asia, and they have two limitations: one, each has its own visions of what is Asia, and therefore there are forums that in the name on Asia focus only on East Asia, or South East Asia and sometimes West or Central Asia are not seen as part of these forums. Second, there is no – as yet - really functional Pan-Asian multilateral organization; there is a forum called Asian Cooperation Dialogue which meets on regular basis (last meeting was in China), but even that does not represent all parts of Asia. For some reasons, ASEAN seems to be largely acceptable as a leader of Asian efforts in building multilateralism, but there is a larger consensus of what we call the Asian Way and therefore ASEAN has been able to expand and start several new issues on multilateral efforts.

To your question whether multilateralism is effective, several of the forums are effective with different shades of capacities; some of them are effective on certain issues, for example, in economic cooperation there is APEC, and for others on issues like terrorism Shanghai Cooperation Organization has been effective. It is also important to see that some of these multilateral forums are far more cohesive, functional, and therefore far more effective. There are other forums have not been very effective. For example the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation is often seen as not as much active and successful as ASEAN. So, there are shades of success in each of these multilateral forums. But if the choice is whether to have of not to have them, I think there is a clear choice, we need these multilateral forums, they provide options for countries to share their wisdom, ideas and versions, in terms of making collective decisions.

There is a whole variety, in terms of differences in their capacities, cohesion in working as a group, but Asian multilateral forums have their own nature and personalities. These are not the same as those in case of Western countries. For instance, Asia has had a whole mushrooming multilateral forums of the last 15 years, but there has been very little focus on building multilateral military alliances. But, in some ways, these are also counted as their limitations, though as an example and model these Asian forums do have an important contribution to make, even but beyond Asia.

With the shortage of resources in Asia and the huge need for natural resources in both China and India, how do you think their relations will evolve in coming years?

China and India are clearly two very large and rapidly growing societies, both in terms of population and their economic success. As a result, the buying capacities of these large populations have increased substantially. In several areas, they seem to be competing for attention, resources, participation and decision making. Let us see in case of energy sector. There rising consumptions levels have witnessed some amount of competition between India and China. This means that China-India relations are going to be like a mixture of several shades: cooperation, competition, challenge, undermining each other sometimes, but also helping in evolving their mutual understanding and trust.

In the energy sector itself, the two had signed a Memorandum of Understanding in 2006 for joint bidding and cooperation. Also, when we talk about this issue of energy security and competition we are perhaps only talking about hydrocarbons imports. But, there are many other components of energy, and in several other sectors, India and China have a good future for cooperation. For instance in Wind power, India is doing very well in terms of developing advance technologies with India’s Suzlon firm is even investing in China. The two could also cooperate in hydro power; we have many resources for hydro power generation. Most recent has been this focus on nuclear cooperation which can also provide new avenues for working together.

India has been fairly advanced in the development of nuclear power generation. China is of course a nuclear power State and one of the permanent five in the United Nations Security Council. This means that China had no limitations in obtaining nuclear technologies yet, it is only recently that China has begun to focus on expanding nuclear power generation. India is also becoming very conscious of the significance of nuclear power and has begun to expand this component of the energy basket. This can be an area for China and India cooperation and building an energy sector which is a very critical sector for both of these rapidly industrializing economies.

Do you think both countries would be able to do so, working together in such projects?

I think so. Because the whole world has agrees today that they should open nuclear commerce for, and the decision has been taken by the nuclear suppliers group of which China is a member. There is an acceptance of India as a candidate with which all countries can do nuclear commerce in terms of technologies and materials. In this, China has also accepted that India is a good candidate to cooperate, and India is also willing to cooperate with China. Actually, we have had some instances where China had provided heavy water to India. So, there is a history of China-India nuclear cooperation. In the present situation both countries not only depend on buying reactors from the United States or France. This should also trigger some thought and China and India can begin some joint efforts in building our own reactors, and Indian scientists have a certain lead in these issues as also certain amount of capacities to built own reactors and I’m sure that China has its own capacities and ideas that could help generate dialogue.

Such dialogue can open opportunities for both China and India to initiate cooperation in nuclear power generation, making sure that they don’t remain excessively dependent on one critical component i.e. hydrocarbons. Both India and China must look at the larger basket of energy sources and only from that larger perspective, they can ensure that they can avoid chances of their competition and conflict. Maybe they should focus on other components which allow them to cooperate together. So, there are challenges but there are also solutions in which both countries can work together.

China is securing natural resources and infrastructure in African and Latin American countries, what is India doing on her part?

As you mention, China has a major presence in Africa and Latin America. It is interesting to see the United States being so far comfortable to China’s presence in Latin America. I am not saying that US is celebrating, but they are not really upset about Chinese enterprises and Beijing building relationships there. At least there is visibly no big contention between these two states. Similarly in Africa, China has been very successful in engaging nations. But, there are also limitations that China has as it expands such engagements for resources beyond its immediate region. Traditionally, these resources belong to local people. These locals have claims on these sources. Now, when some big powers, like India or China begin taking these resources in Africa or Latin America, this will have some influence on their relations with China and India. Especially in Africa, people are beginning to argue that China is doing this trade and commerce and investment whilerepeatedlysaying that Beijing “has nothing to do with domestic affairs of these countries, we will only deal with the State…” which has come under scrutiny and debate. Now, in these conflict zones like Sudan, sometimes you become part of the conflict without being a participant, so maybe China has to take care of not appearing to supporting ruling regimes by doing business as usual.

***India is not as yet very active as China is, but I think the better issue is to think in long term, not in short term. There are going to be challenges, local people are going to be conscious if this is only another foreign country exploiting their resources, so there are going to be limitations. As I said earlier, solutions lie in looking at all kinds of components in the energy basket, and expand in components where you can expand without getting into trouble with other countries. And nuclear, hydro, wind, solar energy cooperation could be won, so this is definitely a long term strategy.

China has been involved into a communication strategy: while we see everyday news about China, there is almost none about India. China is veryconscious and organized in itswork on people’s perceptions towards all Country’s aspects (from commerce and policies to cultural features). From your point of view, what is India’s strategy?

I agree with you that China is more visible around the world, if we are talking about global perceptions. But been visible sometimes is not automatically been good, successful, happy, and peaceful. Visibility brings you challenges. The United States does not see India as a challenge, though sometimes it is clear that they see China as a challenge. That brings India an advantage; because some powers are maybe interested in h

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