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研究方向:Burma/Myanmar issues; overseas Chinese; China-Southeast Asia relations

学科专长:Burma/Myanmar issues; overseas Chinese; China-Southeast Asia relations



Hongwei Fan, Professor of Research School of Southeast Asian Studies, Xiamen University.

Address: Research School of Southeast Asian Studies, No. 422 Siming Nanlu, Xiamen University, Fujian, China 361005


Professor, 2013.8- Present Xiamen University

Associate Professor, 2008- 2013.7 Xiamen University

Postdoctoral Fellow, 2008 School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University, US

Associate Professor, 2007- 2008 Xiamen University

Editor of Journal of Southeast Asian Affairs, 2004- Present Xiamen University

Assistant Professor, 2004 – 2006 Xiamen University

Assistant translator, 1994-1998 Henan Tianguan Group Co., Ltd


Overseas Chinese and China, International Migration and National Security



A History of Overseas Chinese in Myanmar, Beijing: Huaqiao Publications, 2016.

Modern China-Myanmar Relations: Dilemmas of Mutual Dependence, Copenhagen: NIAS Press,coauthored 2012.

The Changes in Social Status of Ethnic Chinese in Southeast Asia after World WarⅡ, Xiamen University Press, coauthored 2003.

Economic Relations of China and Southeast Asia on Globalization: Past, Present, Future, Xiamen University Press, coauthored 2006.

·Articles in Academic Journals:

2019- “The political economy of Welfare State and the China-Burma relationship”,Cold War History, Vol.21, No.3.

2019-“Burma-China Early Approach and Implications for Contemporary Bilateral Relations”,Asian Perspective, Vol.43, No.3.

2019-“‘Building a Human Community with Shared Destiny’: Perspective of Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence initiated by China and Burma”,Journal of Capital Normal University, No.3.

2019-“Review of the Studies on China-Southeast Asia Relations in China in 21stCentury”,CPC History Studies, No.4.

2019-“Overseas Chinese and the Initiation OF China’s Open-door and Reform”,CPC History Studies, No.9

2018-“Burma's Neutralist Foreign Policy Tradition:Origin and Continuity”,Journal of Xiamen University, No.6.

2012- The 1967 ‘6.26’ Anti-Chinese Riot in Burma and Sino-Burmese Relations, Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, No.2

2011- The Balance of Japan’s Diplomacy Towards Myanmar: Characteristics and Dilemma,Journal of Contemporary Asia-Pacific Studies, No.2

2008- Chou Enlai and Overseas Chinese in Burma, Contemporary China History, No.1

2008- Sino-Burma Relations, 1949-1953: Viewed from the Declassified Documents of China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Yunnan Social Science, No.2

2007-Overseas Chinese Problem in Sino-Burmese Relations: Viewed from the Declassified Documents of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Southeast Asian Studies, No.1, pp.56-63.

2007-Myanmar’s Economic Policy and the Development of Ethnic Chinese Entrepreneur after the 1997 Southeast Asian Financial Crisis, Journal of Overseas Chinese Studies, No.3, pp.39-46.

2006-"The 6.26 Event" in 1967 and Chinese Community in Burma, Taiwan Jounal of Southeast Asian Studies, Vol.3, No. 2, pp. 47-72.

2006-A Comparative Study on the Assimilation of Chinese and Indian in Burma, Journal of Overseas Chinese Studies, No.1, pp.45-54.

2006-Chinese Education in Myanmar: Present and Future, Southeast Asian Studies, No.6, pp.73-78.

2005-On the Problem of Dual Nationality of Overseas Chinese in Burma since World WarⅡ,Journal of Xiamen University, No.4, pp.71-77.

2005- With Shao Yunzhen Sino-Burma Economic and Trade Relationship Around the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations, Southeast Asian Affairs, No.4, pp.77-84.

2005-Nationality, Nationalism, “Socialism”: Study on Chinese Nationality in Burma after World War Ⅱ, Southeast Asian Studies, No.4, pp.66-70.

2005-The Claim for Political Legitimacy of Ne Win Military Rule and the Ethnic Chinese’s Political Position in Burma, Journal of World Ethnic Nationalities Studies, No.5, pp.32-38.

2003-On the Overseas Chinese in the Industrialization of Myanmar from 1948 to 1962, Overseas Chinese History Studies, No.2, pp.60-68.

2003-An Analysis of Ethnic Chinese Political Position Under Ne Win Military Rule inMyanmar, Journal of Xiamen University, No.2, pp.62-68.

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