I am Associate Professor of International Relations and Southeast Asian Studies at Xiamen University. I study international relations, comparative politics, and political economy, with a focus on Southeast Asia. I received my Ph.D. in Politics and International Studies from University of Warwick in 2017.
My research centers around two themes: the interaction between international relations and domestic politics, and the interaction between political institutions and economic outcomes. Most of my work explores countries in the Asia Pacific, and I have special interests in Southeast Asia. I am also interested in social science methodology and apply various research methods to area studies.
Some selected publications as follows. You may see my personal website for more.
· Zhaohui Wang, “Infrastructure and politics: why the Belt and Road Initiative proceeded differently in Malaysia and Indonesia”, Asia Pacific Viewpoint, 2023, 64(2), 144-157.
· 王昭晖:《英国区域研究史及若干思考——基于对伦敦大学亚非学院的考察》,《国际政治研究》2023年第4期,第107-130页。
· Zhaohui Wang and Yuheng Fu, “Local politics and fluctuating engagement with China: analysing the Belt and Road Initiative in Maritime Southeast Asia”, The Chinese Journal of International Politics, 2022, 15(2), 163-182.
· 王昭晖:《重新找回韦伯: 区域研究与社会科学的融合与发展》,《国际关系研究》 2022年第2期,第109-128页。
· Zhaohui Wang, International Political Economy of China’s Exchange Rate Policy Making (Singapore: Springer, 2021).
· Zhaohui Wang and Zhiqiang Sun, “From globalization to regionalization: the United States, China, and the post-Covid-19 world economic order”, Journal of Chinese Political Science, 2021, 26(1), 69-87.
· Zhaohui Wang and Hong Zhao, “Relational governance in rhetoric and reality: explanations and problems of China’s Belt and Road Initiative from the relational perspective”, Globalizations, 2021, 18(4), 650-666.
· Zhaohui Wang, “Understanding the Belt and Road Initiative from the Relational Perspective”, Chinese Journal of International Review, 2021, 3(1), 1-26.
· 王昭晖和孙志强:《政党更替、族群政治与马来西亚希盟政府对华政策调整》,《比较政治学研究》2021年第1辑,第217-244页。
· Zhaohui Wang and Jinghan Zeng, “From economic cooperation to strategic competition: understanding the US-China trade disputes”, Journal of Chinese Political Science, 2020, 25(1), 49-69.
· Zhaohui Wang, “Understanding Trump’s trade policy with China: international pressures meet domestic politics”, Pacific Focus, 2019, 34(3), 376-407.
· Zhaohui Wang, “The resumption of China’s exchange rate reform and the internationalization of RMB between 2010 and 2013”, Journal of Contemporary China, 2017, 26(108), 852-869.
· Zhaohui Wang, “The economic rise of China: rule-taker, rule-maker or rule-breaker?”, Asian Survey, 2017, 57(4), 595-617.
· Zhaohui Wang, “China’s exchange rate policy making: international pressures meet domestic politics”, Asian Studies Review, 2017, 41(1), 20-39.
· Introduction to International Relations
· Advanced Studies of International Relations
· Comparative Political Economy
· Southeast Asian Politics
· Research Methods for Area Studies
Student supervision and research collaboration
· For master and undergraduate students:
I am happy to discuss ideas with master and undergraduate students I have taught at Xiamen University. If you are thinking about me being your supervisor, please send me an email to make an appointment.
· For prospective PhD students:
I am supervising prospective PhD students who are interested in Southeast Asian politics and international relations. I particularly welcome students from Southeast Asia, or students who have previous training in quantitative methods or Southeast Asian language skills to apply. If you are interested, please write me an email with your CV and research proposal.
· For prospective post-doctoral researcher:
I invite applications for a Postdoctoral Fellow at Xiamen University. I welcome an independent and highly motivated social scientist with fieldwork and area expertise on one or more Southeast Asian countries. Scholars from a range of social science fields including international relations, comparative politics, political economy, political sociology, history, and data science are encouraged to apply. I especially welcome scholars from Southeast Asia, and those who are able to work across disciplinary boundaries and interested in the intersections between teaching, research, and policymaking in the Southeast Asian context.
o Roles: The Fellow will primarily contribute to Xiamen University by conducting independent research and disseminating their findings through presentations, publications, policy briefs, and other forms of outreach. The Fellow is expected to be in residence at Xiamen University’s Siming campus where they can take advantage of the Collection on Southeast Asia in the library and participate in the lecture series in the School of International Relations and Research School for Southeast Asian Studies.
o Requirements: Awardees must have earned the doctoral degree within three years of beginning their fellowship. Awardees may not simultaneously hold any other paid or unpaid position during the term of the appointment. Before starting their fellowship, candidates will be asked to confirm that their doctoral degree has been conferred.
o How to Apply: At the first stage, please write me an email with your full CV and research proposal. You may also refer to Xiamen University's official website for postdoc (https://postdoctor.xmu.edu.cn/index.htm) for more information.
For more information, you may also refer to my personal website https://sites.google.com/view/zhaohuiwang